June 1 - Sept, 2018 (Reception, Friday, June 01, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Sarah Orne Jewett House Museum and Visitor Center,
5 Portland Street, South Berwick, Maine
"Unrivaled for Beauty"
An exhibition of paintings inspired by the Hamilton House by students and teachers of the Ogunquit Summer School of Art. Join us in celebrating our fifth year with our first ever student exhibition. This summer long show is hosted by the Sara Orne Jewitt House Museum and visitors center in South Berwick, Maine and will be up through the first week of September.
An exhibition of paintings inspired by the Hamilton House by students and teachers of the Ogunquit Summer School of Art. Join us in celebrating our fifth year with our first ever student exhibition. This summer long show is hosted by the Sara Orne Jewitt House Museum and visitors center in South Berwick, Maine and will be up through the first week of September.
1) You must have taken a class or workshop with the Ogunquit Summer School of Art at anytime since it was founded in 2014 to present in order to participate.
2) Students can submit up to two paintings. Space is limited so it is likely only one will be selected for the opening, however, your second painting could also be exhibited if a work sells over the summer and wall space becomes available.
3) Works must be inspired by views of the Hamilton House historic property in South Berwick, Maine. Not necessarily from a workshop there. Feel free to go onsite and complete a painting for this exhibit.
4) Paintings must be framed professionally, fastened with Hanging hardware, (No sawtooth hangers please), labeled on the back with Title, Name of Artist, Size and Medium, indicate "Not for Sale" or include the sale price..
3) Works do not have to be for sale to be included in this exhibit. If you do wish to have your painting for sale, the gallery standard 50/50% split applies. 50% of the sale of the painting will go to the artist.
6) Works should be no larger than 16x20" canvas size.
7) There is no fee to submit works. Works are submitted to jury via emailing images to Todd Bonita at, [email protected].
* (Todd Bonita is NOT the juror* so Please do not send Todd disgruntled letters if your painting is not selected)**..(Laughing)... Please submit professional quality images in jpeg format. Images should be of your painting in its frame. Please include in the email your name, title of the painting, size, medium and sale price...or indicate that it's not for sale. Please email works before May 18, 2018.
Drop off your paintings at the Sara Orne Jewitt House, 5 Portland Street, South Berwick, Maine
Friday, May 18 (10 -4)
Saturday May 19 (11 -4)
Monday May 21 (10 - 4)
MAIL them by the above dates to:
Sara Orne Jewitt House Museum
5 Portland, Street
South Berwick, Maine 03908
c/o: Marilyn Keith Daly
9) Pick Up your paintings in person if they do not sell within five days after the show ends on September 02. We cannot mail your paintings back to you unfortunately. You can perhaps make arrangements with another artist for pick up at your convenience.
10) This is a professional exhibition opportunity. My advice to artist submitting is to be as professional as possible with your submission and through this entire process. It is a good idea to view this as a simulation as if you were including your works in a gallery that represents you. Tips:
(a) Submit your photos web site and promotion ready. Make sure there is no glare and that the images are cropped in a manner that we don't see your grandmothers doily in the background.
(b) Sumbit your painting info in the gallery standard chronological format; "Hamilton House" (8x10") oil by Winslow Homer ($350).
*note use of parenthesis and quotations.
(c) Gallery relationships are about both the artist and gallery giving and considering each others needs. Make their job easy with clear and professional submissions, good communication, drop off and pick up on time, social media promotion and support of the exhibit and if you can, attend the opening. Good luck everyone. I'm proud of all your hard work.
This will be great fun and in front of a lot of people for the entire summer of 2018.