OGUNQUIT, MAINE (AUGUST 19 - 21, 2015 ($375)
(Copper sheets available at the workshop).
*(Those who wish to paint on canvas or other surfaces are welcome to participate in this workshop and take advantage of Mikel's instruction
on painting, design, color and seeing like an artist).
Learn to paint radiant, expressive paintings on copper metal sheets in a comprehensive 3 day workshop with Copley Master Mikel Wintermantel. Instruction will include a thorough understanding of the entire process from start to finish, beginning with how to prepare the copper sheet, applying the oil or alkyd paint, protecting the painting upon completion and various methods of mounting and displaying the finished painting.
Painting on copper metal is a time honored tradition that has stood the test of time. Copper paintings as old as 600 years show little signs of degradation. The process Wintermantel has developed takes complication out of the traditional technique. He will use his limited, 7 color, high key, high chroma palette to produce vibrant, luminous paintings. Whether you paint alla prima or indirectly, the smooth copper substrate shows all the expression of each brushstroke, keeping the work fresh whether painting en plein air or in the studio.
I am personally excited to have Mikel Wintermantel traveling from New York to share his painting, instruction and artistic spirit with us for three special days in August. I have already taken the time off from work and will be taking this class myself. Having been a fan of his work for many years, I find his composition, simplification of complex forms and most of all his stunning use of highly chromatic color to be inspiring. I'm really looking forward to absorbing as many nuggets of wisdom as I can. I hope you will be able to join us for three days of artistic immersion with this brilliant painter in this quaint little harbor village.
REGISTER: Call (603) 819-9100 or email [email protected]
To Mail registration:
Send a check made out to Todd Bonita for $150 and mail to:
Todd Bonita
30 Hillside Drive
Greenland, NH 03840
Oil Paint or Alkyd paint (preferred*):
*Alkyd paint dries quickly on the copper allowing over painting the next day with little lifting and disturbance of the previous paint layer)
(Winsor & Newton Griffin Alkyd is the brand I use but any brand of Alkyd will do).
Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Medium Or Windsor Yellow
Cadmium Orange
Permanent Rose or Quinacridone Magenta or Magenta
Dioxazine Purple
Sap Green
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue or Ultramarine Blue
Optional colors: Burnt Sienna, Phthalo Green, Olive Green, Ivory or Lamp Black
*Copper panels will be available at the workshop for purchase.
**Those who wish to paint on canvas or gessoed wood panels, please bring 5 in smaller sizes (8x10", 9x12" and or 11x14")
Winsor & Newton Liquin or Gamblin Galkyd or Gamblin Solvent Free Gel (odor free!)
Winsor & Newton Liquin Impasto
Gamsol in a brush washer or container.
Any filberts shapes and rounds, soft and hog bristle and sized by artist preference.
Panels will be in the 8x10, 9x12 range of size so size brush accordingly.
I use soft synthetics, sables and various hog bristle brushes. The softer brushes
apply more paint and softer the brush expression and the hog bristles remove
more paint and show more expression.
-Pochade box or travel Easel
-Palette Knife or any tools you prefer to scrape paint or mark into wet paint. (fun on copper! Reveals the glint of the metal)
-Paper Towels
-Brush Washing cup and cup for mediums, thinners etc.
-Trash Bags
OGUNQUIT, MAINE (AUGUST 19 - 21, 2015 ($375)
(Copper sheets available at the workshop).
*(Those who wish to paint on canvas or other surfaces are welcome to participate in this workshop and take advantage of Mikel's instruction
on painting, design, color and seeing like an artist).
Learn to paint radiant, expressive paintings on copper metal sheets in a comprehensive 3 day workshop with Copley Master Mikel Wintermantel. Instruction will include a thorough understanding of the entire process from start to finish, beginning with how to prepare the copper sheet, applying the oil or alkyd paint, protecting the painting upon completion and various methods of mounting and displaying the finished painting.
Painting on copper metal is a time honored tradition that has stood the test of time. Copper paintings as old as 600 years show little signs of degradation. The process Wintermantel has developed takes complication out of the traditional technique. He will use his limited, 7 color, high key, high chroma palette to produce vibrant, luminous paintings. Whether you paint alla prima or indirectly, the smooth copper substrate shows all the expression of each brushstroke, keeping the work fresh whether painting en plein air or in the studio.
I am personally excited to have Mikel Wintermantel traveling from New York to share his painting, instruction and artistic spirit with us for three special days in August. I have already taken the time off from work and will be taking this class myself. Having been a fan of his work for many years, I find his composition, simplification of complex forms and most of all his stunning use of highly chromatic color to be inspiring. I'm really looking forward to absorbing as many nuggets of wisdom as I can. I hope you will be able to join us for three days of artistic immersion with this brilliant painter in this quaint little harbor village.
REGISTER: Call (603) 819-9100 or email [email protected]
To Mail registration:
Send a check made out to Todd Bonita for $150 and mail to:
Todd Bonita
30 Hillside Drive
Greenland, NH 03840
Oil Paint or Alkyd paint (preferred*):
*Alkyd paint dries quickly on the copper allowing over painting the next day with little lifting and disturbance of the previous paint layer)
(Winsor & Newton Griffin Alkyd is the brand I use but any brand of Alkyd will do).
Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Medium Or Windsor Yellow
Cadmium Orange
Permanent Rose or Quinacridone Magenta or Magenta
Dioxazine Purple
Sap Green
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue or Ultramarine Blue
Optional colors: Burnt Sienna, Phthalo Green, Olive Green, Ivory or Lamp Black
*Copper panels will be available at the workshop for purchase.
**Those who wish to paint on canvas or gessoed wood panels, please bring 5 in smaller sizes (8x10", 9x12" and or 11x14")
Winsor & Newton Liquin or Gamblin Galkyd or Gamblin Solvent Free Gel (odor free!)
Winsor & Newton Liquin Impasto
Gamsol in a brush washer or container.
Any filberts shapes and rounds, soft and hog bristle and sized by artist preference.
Panels will be in the 8x10, 9x12 range of size so size brush accordingly.
I use soft synthetics, sables and various hog bristle brushes. The softer brushes
apply more paint and softer the brush expression and the hog bristles remove
more paint and show more expression.
-Pochade box or travel Easel
-Palette Knife or any tools you prefer to scrape paint or mark into wet paint. (fun on copper! Reveals the glint of the metal)
-Paper Towels
-Brush Washing cup and cup for mediums, thinners etc.
-Trash Bags