Intro to Palette Knife Painting w/Melanie Barash Levitt
Portsmouth, NH. Monday, Feb 06, 2023
Intro to Palette Knife Painting w/Melanie Barash Levitt
Community Congregational Church, 2 Post Rd. Greenland, NH. (Parish House)
Monday, Feb 06, 2023 (10 -5pm)
$165 Limit (10)
Join award winning palette knife painter Melanie Levitt in this one day studio workshop designed for self expression. The focus of this class will be on how to paint an entire painting in oils with a palette knife creating interesting marks and textures. Through demonstration and individual attention, students will learn how to distill the important information from a photo and translate it onto the canvas quickly. Melanie will address the importance of sketching/composition, how to create depth & light in a painting, color mixing, energetic mark making, and how to choose a stain color for your scene. All this will be taught in an understandable step by step process which will lead students to improve their ability to simplify the landscape and create a dynamic painting in a short time. This class is suitable for the beginner or the intermediate student who want to loosen up and learn how to paint with a palette knife. The instructor will provide a photo and students can also bring some of their own. In case of inclement weather, the class will be postponed to Feb 13, 2023
Monday, Feb 6, (snow date—Feb 13, 2023) 10am-5pm at Community Congregational Church, 2 Post Rd. Greenland, NH. (Parish House) $165
To register email: [email protected]
or call: (603) 819-9100
Community Congregational Church, 2 Post Rd. Greenland, NH. (Parish House)
Monday, Feb 06, 2023 (10 -5pm)
$165 Limit (10)
Join award winning palette knife painter Melanie Levitt in this one day studio workshop designed for self expression. The focus of this class will be on how to paint an entire painting in oils with a palette knife creating interesting marks and textures. Through demonstration and individual attention, students will learn how to distill the important information from a photo and translate it onto the canvas quickly. Melanie will address the importance of sketching/composition, how to create depth & light in a painting, color mixing, energetic mark making, and how to choose a stain color for your scene. All this will be taught in an understandable step by step process which will lead students to improve their ability to simplify the landscape and create a dynamic painting in a short time. This class is suitable for the beginner or the intermediate student who want to loosen up and learn how to paint with a palette knife. The instructor will provide a photo and students can also bring some of their own. In case of inclement weather, the class will be postponed to Feb 13, 2023
Monday, Feb 6, (snow date—Feb 13, 2023) 10am-5pm at Community Congregational Church, 2 Post Rd. Greenland, NH. (Parish House) $165
To register email: [email protected]
or call: (603) 819-9100
Melanies Supply List

Melanie’s Suggested Supply List
-Sketchbook & Soft Drawing Pencils
-One or Two Panels (not canvas): I use Ampersand Archival board but you can use any smooth surface board.
You need a hard surface to push the palette knife against. Recommended size 12x16” You can also bring a panels sized slightly smaller or larger
-Oil Paints: Limited Palette of a Warm & Cool of each primary color
(I use Gamblin brand oil paints)
Suggested Colors:
Titanium white
Ultramarine Blue
Pthalo Blue or Prussian Blue
Cad yellow Light or Lemon yellow
Cad Yellow Medium
Cad Orange
Cad Red Light
Alizarin Crimson
Optional: Transparent Red Oxide, Yellow Ochre or any other colors you like to use
-Brushes for sketching (I use flats/brights size 4,6,8) Bring what you have and what you like to sketch with
-Palette Knife I use a 2.5” palette knife with bent neck and pointed tip.
-Color Shaper Tools-(clay sculpting tools) These pick up paint, I will bring a few to class
-Brush washer and odorless turpentine (Gamasol only please)
-Palette to mix on
-Paper towels ( I recommend Viva) or a box of tissues
-Plastic bag for trash
-Studio Easel

Melanie Barash Levitt graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1990. She currently lives in the White Mountains of NH and is the owner of Jackson Art Studio & Gallery. Melanie is an award winning artist who paints in a loose, impressionistic style with a brush or a palette knife in oils. As a plein air artist, Levitt paints on location braving the elements to capture the mood of the scene. Her favorite subjects are the mountains, rivers and small farms of NH and the rugged coasts of Maine. Her artwork resides is in the home of many collectors through the US, Canada and Europe. She exhibits her work in galleries and shows throughout NH, ME, VT and NY. She has been featured in Boston Chronicle (WCBV TV, ABC), NH Chronicle (WMUR 9), and has been published in various newspapers and magazines . She also has received numerous awards for her paintings in regional shows and juried events and is a recent member of the Salmagundi Art Club in NYC.