January 23 -26, 2023 (Monday - Thursday)
($450) workshop only.
Call Todd to Register: (603) 819-9100
or email: [email protected]
Escape winter with us for 4 days in paradise, painting plein air in Bermuda with team taught, duo instruction from Karen Blackwood and Todd Bonita. Todd will teach 3 out of the four days, with Karen providing a lecture, demo and instruction on day 3. We will gather with our paint boxes on exotic palmy coastlines with turquoise shores and venerable, eighteenth-century forts. Follow in the shadowy footsteps of Winslow Homer, capturing the color and spirit of this romantically alluring location.
There will be a daily demonstration and discussions on composition, design, value and capturing light and atmosphere in your paintings. Beginners through experienced artist and those who have never painted before are welcome to join this supportive and spirited group.
* $450 for workshop only. (You are responsible for your own Air Transportation, Accommodations and meals).
* 2 hours from Boston
* January Temps: 63 - 68......"This is perfect outdoor painting weather".
* Low season / Tourist free
* Call Todd (603) 819-9100. or email: [email protected]
* ($200) deposit will hold your space. (Non-refundable if cancelled after December 20).
* We accept Credit cards, Pay Pal, Venmo, checks or cash.
* Make your deposit check out to: Todd Bonita and mail to:
Todd Bonita
28 McShane Ave
Greenland, NH 03840
* Please write, "Bermuda workshop" in the check memo.
* Balance due two weeks before workshop.
BERMUDA CHECKLIST (Scroll below to review detailed list of the following)
* Flight / Passport
* Accommodations / Transportation
* Art Supply list
* Flying with paints (TSA Regulations)
* Itinerary
* F.A.Q.
* Extra Stuff
January 23 -26, 2023 (Monday - Thursday)
($450) workshop only.
Call Todd to Register: (603) 819-9100
or email: [email protected]
Escape winter with us for 4 days in paradise, painting plein air in Bermuda with team taught, duo instruction from Karen Blackwood and Todd Bonita. Todd will teach 3 out of the four days, with Karen providing a lecture, demo and instruction on day 3. We will gather with our paint boxes on exotic palmy coastlines with turquoise shores and venerable, eighteenth-century forts. Follow in the shadowy footsteps of Winslow Homer, capturing the color and spirit of this romantically alluring location.
There will be a daily demonstration and discussions on composition, design, value and capturing light and atmosphere in your paintings. Beginners through experienced artist and those who have never painted before are welcome to join this supportive and spirited group.
* $450 for workshop only. (You are responsible for your own Air Transportation, Accommodations and meals).
* 2 hours from Boston
* January Temps: 63 - 68......"This is perfect outdoor painting weather".
* Low season / Tourist free
* Call Todd (603) 819-9100. or email: [email protected]
* ($200) deposit will hold your space. (Non-refundable if cancelled after December 20).
* We accept Credit cards, Pay Pal, Venmo, checks or cash.
* Make your deposit check out to: Todd Bonita and mail to:
Todd Bonita
28 McShane Ave
Greenland, NH 03840
* Please write, "Bermuda workshop" in the check memo.
* Balance due two weeks before workshop.
BERMUDA CHECKLIST (Scroll below to review detailed list of the following)
* Flight / Passport
* Accommodations / Transportation
* Art Supply list
* Flying with paints (TSA Regulations)
* Itinerary
* F.A.Q.
* Extra Stuff

LF. Wade International Airport, Bermuda
is the sole airport servicing the British overseas territory in the North Atlantic ocean.
* 2 hours from Boston
* I bought a Jet Blue, non-stop from Boston, round trip flight for $300
(Purchase your flight as soon as you register to insure best rate and times). Try online resources such as or Jet Blue.
* I am flying in the day before the workshop. It is not necessary, particularly if you live within close proximity to Boston. It would not be uncommon to leave on the day of the workshop given the short flight time.
* Bermuda is a British territory, unless you live there, this is an International flight and will require a passport. Make sure yours is up to date and not expired. *(If your passport expires in three months or less, you cannot fly internationally)
* There is a National Passport center in Portsmouth, NH.
207 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH
Hours: 8am - 4pm (Mon -Fri)
Phone: (877) 487 - 2778
LF. Wade International Airport, Bermuda
is the sole airport servicing the British overseas territory in the North Atlantic ocean.
* 2 hours from Boston
* I bought a Jet Blue, non-stop from Boston, round trip flight for $300
(Purchase your flight as soon as you register to insure best rate and times). Try online resources such as or Jet Blue.
* I am flying in the day before the workshop. It is not necessary, particularly if you live within close proximity to Boston. It would not be uncommon to leave on the day of the workshop given the short flight time.
* Bermuda is a British territory, unless you live there, this is an International flight and will require a passport. Make sure yours is up to date and not expired. *(If your passport expires in three months or less, you cannot fly internationally)
* There is a National Passport center in Portsmouth, NH.
207 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH
Hours: 8am - 4pm (Mon -Fri)
Phone: (877) 487 - 2778

Students are responsible for there own accomodations. I am staying at the Grotto Bay Beach resort and have blocked rooms if you want to stay together as a group. They gave us a special rate of $150 per night. Call Jonnee King at the resort to book your room. (1(855) 447-6886. Its very close to the airport.
* There are many excellent options on the island. I recommend centrally located to better accommodate taxi rides to painting locations. Shop around and check out these travel websites for deals: (Click these links:)
* Share your room with a workshop companion and this is a relatively inexpensive stay. Let me know if you would like to bunk with a workshop companion and I will be happy to put you in touch with like-minded matches.
* As an option, you can recruit a painting friend to join the workshop and share a room.
* No additional workshop fee required if you bring a non-workshop spouse or companion to stay with you.
* Recommendations: These start at $200 per night range and received 4 or more stars out of 5 on Expedia (Click these links:)
Coco Reff Resort ...Cenrally located.
Newstead Belmont Hills Golf resort and Spa ....Cenrally located
Oxford House ....Cenrally located
Sunscape B&B ....Slightly south of cenral located
Aunt Nea's Inn....Northern tip of Island near airport but great rates. Single room as low as $150 per night)
Bermuda Rentals
This company has been helping guests rent privately owned villas, cottages and apartments, or rooms in small hotels, since 1991. Fully equipped and furnished, all units have pretty gardens, are on the water, have pools, or have ocean views. Prices start from $85US for single occupancy.
There are no taxes or extra charges on most of their private home rentals (some larger homes charge a 7.25% government tax and have lease and prepayment requirements) so the price you see posted is the price you pay.
Click here to view their properties.
These properties are available through the AirBnB website.
Click on the property names to visit the site for each.
Peak Farm
Sea Shells
Turtle Cottage
There are no traditional car rentals on Bermuda but they recently introduced the "TWIZZY" battery operated, cockpit style, two seater cars as a rental option. Travel is by Taxi, shuttle or scooter rental only. Its best to split a Taxi to our painting locations with fellow students.
* The island is small, only 20 square miles. A Taxi From the airport to a centrally located location is approximately 25 minutes / $30 - 40. Request a flat rate from the taxi before you go to your destination.
Students are responsible for there own accomodations. I am staying at the Grotto Bay Beach resort and have blocked rooms if you want to stay together as a group. They gave us a special rate of $150 per night. Call Jonnee King at the resort to book your room. (1(855) 447-6886. Its very close to the airport.
* There are many excellent options on the island. I recommend centrally located to better accommodate taxi rides to painting locations. Shop around and check out these travel websites for deals: (Click these links:)
* Share your room with a workshop companion and this is a relatively inexpensive stay. Let me know if you would like to bunk with a workshop companion and I will be happy to put you in touch with like-minded matches.
* As an option, you can recruit a painting friend to join the workshop and share a room.
* No additional workshop fee required if you bring a non-workshop spouse or companion to stay with you.
* Recommendations: These start at $200 per night range and received 4 or more stars out of 5 on Expedia (Click these links:)
Coco Reff Resort ...Cenrally located.
Newstead Belmont Hills Golf resort and Spa ....Cenrally located
Oxford House ....Cenrally located
Sunscape B&B ....Slightly south of cenral located
Aunt Nea's Inn....Northern tip of Island near airport but great rates. Single room as low as $150 per night)
Bermuda Rentals
This company has been helping guests rent privately owned villas, cottages and apartments, or rooms in small hotels, since 1991. Fully equipped and furnished, all units have pretty gardens, are on the water, have pools, or have ocean views. Prices start from $85US for single occupancy.
There are no taxes or extra charges on most of their private home rentals (some larger homes charge a 7.25% government tax and have lease and prepayment requirements) so the price you see posted is the price you pay.
Click here to view their properties.
These properties are available through the AirBnB website.
Click on the property names to visit the site for each.
Peak Farm
Sea Shells
Turtle Cottage
There are no traditional car rentals on Bermuda but they recently introduced the "TWIZZY" battery operated, cockpit style, two seater cars as a rental option. Travel is by Taxi, shuttle or scooter rental only. Its best to split a Taxi to our painting locations with fellow students.
* The island is small, only 20 square miles. A Taxi From the airport to a centrally located location is approximately 25 minutes / $30 - 40. Request a flat rate from the taxi before you go to your destination.

Advice on gathering materials for a team taught workshop: Keep it simple. The main difference is usually the colors and mediums the different instructors use. Philiosophically, if your pallete can make the color wheel, you are really all set and will be able to mix any color theoretically. With that said, I will include below both Karen and Todds palettes and mediums.
* (Click here to go to an illustrated page 0f my compact Plein air painting kit)
* (Think light weight and portable, find creative ways to simplify...I manage to pack everything below in a back pack. I get most of my supplies online at ASW, Jerrys Artarama, Dick Blick, Cheap Joes or Utrecht).
Portable Easel
French easel, half box easel or Pochade box for working outside.
(I use the 8x10" or 10x12" Open Box M system and sometimes the 6x8" Guerilla box for traveling, both are mounted to a photographers tripod. If you prefer the French easels, go with the lighter and smaller Jullian Half box easel. Last year I also bought the Cadillac of outdoor easels, The Soletek easel. It's not cheap, I bought mine used on Ebay. You might check Ebay or try "All of Craigslist" search for whatever easel you decide to go with. * Here is a terrific article on Pochade Box reviews from the popular Lines and Colors blog. This will give you a thorough understanding of whats available and best for you. Click here.
I recommend a wood palette....try to avoid paper pallets.
*(I recommend a minimal palette of a warm and cool version of the three primaries plus white (with maybe a few extras)....Please spend the extra for professional grade paints. I use Williamsburg, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Utrecht but there are many good options.)
*Alkyd Titanium White (Alkyd is a quick dry paint that plays nice with oils. I prefer to use a quick dry white outdoors. For brands, Gamblin, DaVinci and my favorite is Winsor & Newton Griffin Alkyds)
Cad Yellow medium
Transparent Earth Yellow
Alizeran Crimson Permanent
Cadmium Red
Ultramarine Blue
Cerulean Blue
Thalo Turquoise **(Optional...Lets have some fun..this is definitely a Bermuda luxury color!!!)
Burnt Sienna
Viridian (*Optional)
Ivory black (*Optional)
* KARENS Paint
Titannium White
Ultramarine Blue
Alizeran Crimson Permanent
Cadmium Yellow Light
Painting Mediums
* Karen uses Walnut Oil or suggests you use an oderless painting medium of your choice. you can even use Gamsol.
* Todd uses Liquin Original quick dry medium by Winsor and Newton.
Painting surface
Canvas, canvas or linen mounted on board or gessoed wood panel (sizes can range from 6x8” to 14x18” but I would not go larger)...For a travel workshop like this, I will likely limit myself to only one or two sizes, like 8x10" and / or 9x12". This will simplify my wet carrier system as well.
*Assortment of bristle brushes (I suggest large, medium and small in three styles: Flats, Rounds and Filberts. I mostly use Robert Simmons Signet series flats #3, #6 and #10)
*One or two Royal sable flats in medium and large sizes (size 10 or 16) for blending and softening edges (I prefer Langnickel.)
*Small synthetic rounds for details. (I suggest Winsor and Newton Septre Gold 2 in the 404 series...size 4 and / or size 6)
Trowel type Pallet knife
liquin ***You cannot travel with Liquin or solvents*** You can order from the art supply store a and delivered to your hotel.
Gamsol ***You cannot travel w/ Gamsol or Solvents*** I will provide Gamsol when you get there on the island.
paper towels (Blue shop towels are the best)
Ruler, straight edge or a mahl stick (something to make straight lines with is handy)
A Veiwfinder: Important! Whether homemade or store bought, it must be adjustable or proportionate to your canvases. Viewcatcher is ideal.
Artist paint box or back pack for supplies
Wet paint carrier. I love the PanelPaks...they are lightweight and convenient.
*Appropriate clothing for outdoor weather and conditions.
Water bottle or something to drink, snack
Sun block
* PLEASE NOTE * This is an international flight you will not be able to travel with solvents. (No Gamsol, Turpentine or LIquin).
* I will order a large quantity of Gamsol and have it shipped to my hotel room. I will divide the cost evenly amongst those who wish to share it. I'm estimating it will cost about $5 - 10 each. Please let me know if you would like to have some. Will keep you posted.
* Alternatively, you could order Gamsol or your favorite Turpentine, solvent or Liquin yourself and have if shipped to your hotel.
* There is an Art supply on the island. Here are the contact details and website for your review.
Website: DNA Creative Shoppe
email: [email protected]
tel: 441 747 5359 Hours: 11am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday.
129 Front Street , Hamilton, BERMUDA
You can contact them and place an order for your art supplies if you do not wish to deal with the TSA at the Airport. Lexy and Dion Correia, owners of DNA Group, will be more than happy to ensure every detail is taken care of.
GAMBLIN (Travel with paint tips)
This is an excellent, soup to nuts over view of how to travel with your paints and deal with TSA and insure best odds of smooth travel. CLICK HERE.
Advice on gathering materials for a team taught workshop: Keep it simple. The main difference is usually the colors and mediums the different instructors use. Philiosophically, if your pallete can make the color wheel, you are really all set and will be able to mix any color theoretically. With that said, I will include below both Karen and Todds palettes and mediums.
* (Click here to go to an illustrated page 0f my compact Plein air painting kit)
* (Think light weight and portable, find creative ways to simplify...I manage to pack everything below in a back pack. I get most of my supplies online at ASW, Jerrys Artarama, Dick Blick, Cheap Joes or Utrecht).
Portable Easel
French easel, half box easel or Pochade box for working outside.
(I use the 8x10" or 10x12" Open Box M system and sometimes the 6x8" Guerilla box for traveling, both are mounted to a photographers tripod. If you prefer the French easels, go with the lighter and smaller Jullian Half box easel. Last year I also bought the Cadillac of outdoor easels, The Soletek easel. It's not cheap, I bought mine used on Ebay. You might check Ebay or try "All of Craigslist" search for whatever easel you decide to go with. * Here is a terrific article on Pochade Box reviews from the popular Lines and Colors blog. This will give you a thorough understanding of whats available and best for you. Click here.
I recommend a wood palette....try to avoid paper pallets.
*(I recommend a minimal palette of a warm and cool version of the three primaries plus white (with maybe a few extras)....Please spend the extra for professional grade paints. I use Williamsburg, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Utrecht but there are many good options.)
*Alkyd Titanium White (Alkyd is a quick dry paint that plays nice with oils. I prefer to use a quick dry white outdoors. For brands, Gamblin, DaVinci and my favorite is Winsor & Newton Griffin Alkyds)
Cad Yellow medium
Transparent Earth Yellow
Alizeran Crimson Permanent
Cadmium Red
Ultramarine Blue
Cerulean Blue
Thalo Turquoise **(Optional...Lets have some fun..this is definitely a Bermuda luxury color!!!)
Burnt Sienna
Viridian (*Optional)
Ivory black (*Optional)
* KARENS Paint
Titannium White
Ultramarine Blue
Alizeran Crimson Permanent
Cadmium Yellow Light
Painting Mediums
* Karen uses Walnut Oil or suggests you use an oderless painting medium of your choice. you can even use Gamsol.
* Todd uses Liquin Original quick dry medium by Winsor and Newton.
Painting surface
Canvas, canvas or linen mounted on board or gessoed wood panel (sizes can range from 6x8” to 14x18” but I would not go larger)...For a travel workshop like this, I will likely limit myself to only one or two sizes, like 8x10" and / or 9x12". This will simplify my wet carrier system as well.
*Assortment of bristle brushes (I suggest large, medium and small in three styles: Flats, Rounds and Filberts. I mostly use Robert Simmons Signet series flats #3, #6 and #10)
*One or two Royal sable flats in medium and large sizes (size 10 or 16) for blending and softening edges (I prefer Langnickel.)
*Small synthetic rounds for details. (I suggest Winsor and Newton Septre Gold 2 in the 404 series...size 4 and / or size 6)
Trowel type Pallet knife
liquin ***You cannot travel with Liquin or solvents*** You can order from the art supply store a and delivered to your hotel.
Gamsol ***You cannot travel w/ Gamsol or Solvents*** I will provide Gamsol when you get there on the island.
paper towels (Blue shop towels are the best)
Ruler, straight edge or a mahl stick (something to make straight lines with is handy)
A Veiwfinder: Important! Whether homemade or store bought, it must be adjustable or proportionate to your canvases. Viewcatcher is ideal.
Artist paint box or back pack for supplies
Wet paint carrier. I love the PanelPaks...they are lightweight and convenient.
*Appropriate clothing for outdoor weather and conditions.
Water bottle or something to drink, snack
Sun block
* PLEASE NOTE * This is an international flight you will not be able to travel with solvents. (No Gamsol, Turpentine or LIquin).
* I will order a large quantity of Gamsol and have it shipped to my hotel room. I will divide the cost evenly amongst those who wish to share it. I'm estimating it will cost about $5 - 10 each. Please let me know if you would like to have some. Will keep you posted.
* Alternatively, you could order Gamsol or your favorite Turpentine, solvent or Liquin yourself and have if shipped to your hotel.
* There is an Art supply on the island. Here are the contact details and website for your review.
Website: DNA Creative Shoppe
email: [email protected]
tel: 441 747 5359 Hours: 11am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday.
129 Front Street , Hamilton, BERMUDA
You can contact them and place an order for your art supplies if you do not wish to deal with the TSA at the Airport. Lexy and Dion Correia, owners of DNA Group, will be more than happy to ensure every detail is taken care of.
GAMBLIN (Travel with paint tips)
This is an excellent, soup to nuts over view of how to travel with your paints and deal with TSA and insure best odds of smooth travel. CLICK HERE.

Print this sheet and pack it with your paints in your suitcase, NOT your carry-on.

This is a sample itinerary andf subject to flexibility based on weather and instructors discretion. We will from 9 -4 daily on site unless otherwise noted.
Call Todd (603) 819-9100
Tuesday: St. George painting old town and harbor with Todd Bonita
Wednesday: Fort Hamilton with Todd Bonita (Meet in Lobby at 9am) Or simply take a Taxi and meet us there at your convenience.
Thursday: Horseshoe Bay beach with Karen Blackwood.
Friday: Bermuda Museum of Art. Paint on property of hotel in the afternoon with Todd Bonita.
Call Todd (603) 819-9100
Tuesday: St. George painting old town and harbor with Todd Bonita
Wednesday: Fort Hamilton with Todd Bonita (Meet in Lobby at 9am) Or simply take a Taxi and meet us there at your convenience.
Thursday: Horseshoe Bay beach with Karen Blackwood.
Friday: Bermuda Museum of Art. Paint on property of hotel in the afternoon with Todd Bonita.
F. A. Q . ( Frequently Asked Questions )
What do we do if it rains? We have a few indoor facility options to paint at in the event of inclement weather. I have several indoor, studio art exercises and assignments that are educational and fun.
2018 Workshop Photos: A collection of images and video from our Inaugural voyage. CLICK HERE: